
Eero Aarnio definition

Aarnio  is best known for his “Globe” or “Ball” chair and his “Gyro” or “Pastilli” chair which he created in the 1960s.  The second chair was crated from reinforced fiberglass molded into a sphere that was flat.  The chair featured a hollow carved in its top, and one of its sides in order to create a seat.  The chair was designed to rock on the floor without the use of pedestal or legs, adding a sense of humor to its design due to its intended failure to adhere to the traditional look of a chair.  

The “Globe” chair is an ovoid fiberglass shell, featuring a big circular opening.  It moves on a cast aluminum base, which (along with the chair) is painted in either yellow, blue or red.  A person takes a seat on the opening, which may include stereo speakers and the chair is totally upholstered.  The chair has the creative twist to it of fantasy.  Its creation stems from Charles Eames and follows through the lines of Scandinavian design.